Thank you for making the 17th ICMDA World Congress in Arusha, Tanzania the biggest ever.

Every four years the ICMDA family to gather together for a week of fellowship, sharing, worship and teaching. The 17th Congress in Arusha will also mark the 60th anniversary of ICMDA.
Back in 1963 some 80 delegates from 15 different countries met in Amsterdam for the first International Congress of Christian Physicians.
Now 60 years later 1,000 delegates are gathering from over 100 nations! Join us to mark this historic occasion and celebrate with us by giving thanks the Lord for his faithfulness to ICMDA and for each of the 84 national fellowships of Christian doctors and dentists that make up the association.
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Serving with Love in a Hurting World
Matthew 22:37-40
As in previous events the 17th ICMDA World Congress begins with a World Students' Conference and parallel pre-conference streams for graduates. A highlight of the week will be the Family Time where we share with one another the stories of God's work through healthcare around the world.
Arusha is a vibrant and dynamic city, with a rich culture and history. As the gateway to the Serengeti and other natural wonders, it is the perfect location for this exciting congress. We invite you to join us in Arusha for what is sure to be a truly memorable event.