
Voddie Baucham

Dr Voddie T. Baucham, Jr.

Main Bible teacher.
Dean of Theology, African Christian University, Zambia.

John Wyatt

Prof John Wyatt

Plenary Speaker.
Emeritus Professor, University College London

Jelena Sivulka

Dr Jelena Sivulka

Plenary Speaker.
Psychologist & Counsellor, Hana’s Hope

Dr Mike Chupp

Plenary Speaker.

Dr Vinod Shah

Plenary Speaker.

Mamusha Fenta

Dr Mamusha Fenta

Student Conference Bible Speaker.

Dr. Rick Paul

Dr Rick Paul

Plenary Speaker.
General thoracic surgeon.

Dr Florence Muindi

Dr Florence Muindi

Plenary Speaker.
Founder President, Life in Abundance International.

Larry Worthen

Plenary Speaker.
Executive Director, CMDA Canada.

Facilitateurs de volet :

Dr Rebekah Zechariah

Distance Education Coordinator, CMC Vellore
Stream Moderator

Dr Patrina Caldwell

Stream Speaker – PRIME

Dr Keir Thelander

General Surgeon & Executive Vice President, PAACS
Stream Moderator

Dr Janet Healey

Stream Speaker – PRIME

John Wyatt

Prof John Wyatt

Plenary Speaker.
Emeritus Professor, University College London

Dr Daniel O’Neill

Breakout & Stream Speaker

Dr Ayodele Olukayode Iyun

Stream Speaker – PRIME

Dr Mike Chupp

Plenary Speaker.

Dr Mark Pickering

Breakout Speaker
Topics: Answering difficult questions & Role of partnership in serving God

Dr Caleb Mike Mulongo

Stream Speaker – PRIME

Conférenciers de la séance en petits groupes :

Dr Victor Fredlund

Breakout Speaker,
Sujet : Les missions médicales au 21e siècle

Rick Allen

Breakout Speaker.
Evaluating the effectiveness of the collaboration

Dr Wei Leong Goh

Breakout Speaker
Topic: Serving migrant workers

Dr Daniel O’Neill

Breakout & Stream Speaker

Dr Mark Pickering

Breakout Speaker
Topics: Answering difficult questions & Role of partnership in serving God

Dr Colin Pfaff

Breakout & Stream Speaker

M. Howard Lyons

Haut-parleur de groupe
Comment peut-on intentionnellement grandir en tant que leader dans le domaine des soins de santé?

Dr David Moore

Haut-parleur de groupe
Rôle des missionnaires dans la promotion du travail de l’ICMDA

Sally John

Thème: Conseils par des jeunes médecins et pour les jeunes médecins

M. Richard Kakeeto

Sujet en petits groupes: L’accord sournois ACP-UE