Main Bible Readings

Mamusha Fenta

Dr Mamusha Fenta

Student Conference Bible Speaker.

Plenary Speakers

Larry Worthen

Plenary Speaker.
Executive Director, CMDA Canada.

Dr Florence Muindi

Dr Florence Muindi

Plenary Speaker.
Founder President, Life in Abundance International.

Dr. Rick Paul

Dr Rick Paul

Plenary Speaker.
General thoracic surgeon.

Breakout Session Speakers

Prof. Declare Mushi

Breakout Speaker.
Sujet : Internet et ses défis dans les PRFI

Dr Russell Clark

Breakout Speaker.
Topic: Aligning vision-mission-activities

Dr Russell Clark

Breakout Speaker.
Sujet : Aligner la vision-mission-activités

Rick Allen

Breakout Speaker.
Evaluating the effectiveness of the collaboration

Rick Allen

Breakout Speaker.
Évaluation de l’efficacité de la collaboration

Dr Keith Michael

Breakout Speaker.
Improve Collaboration while minimizing conflict of interest among organizations

Dr Keith Michael

Breakout Speaker.
Améliorer la collaboration tout en minimisant les conflits d’intérêts entre les organisations

Dr Rachel Owusu-Ankomah

Breakout Speaker.
Topic: How to Survive as a junior graduate

Dr Rachel Owusu-Ankomah

Breakout Speaker.
Sujet : Comment survivre en tant que jeune diplômé

Dr Herbert Bronnenmayer

Breakout Speaker.
Sujets: Ressource sur la justice distributive des soins de santé