Prof John Whitehall

John Whitehall is an Australian professor of Pediatrics who has lived and worked in various countries including from Africa and Asia to north and ‘central’ America.  In the process he sub-specialized in neonatology from which grew a particular interest in brain development. When, in 2016, he heard assertions that ‘blocking’ the hormone that initiates puberty (Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone) was a ‘safe and entirely’ reversible procedure that would simply ‘provide time for a gender confused child’ to consider his or her identity, he set out to learn more.

In that process, visiting research centers, communicating with researchers and reading widely he concluded ‘blocking puberty to determine identity’ was biologically implausible, physiologically damaging, and likely to commit the child to the whole process of ‘affirmation’ to a gender contrary to chromosomes. On this theme he has published widely.