Leadership banner2@2x

The healthcare leadership arena is an increasingly secular one where leaders can feel isolated in the role or reluctant to step into roles in the first place.

  • How do we model servant leadership in our workplaces?
  • How do we grapple with dilemmas around resource allocation, integrity and wisdom?
  • How do we influence organisational culture where we are in a minority?
  • How does leading paid staff and volunteers differ?

Our time together is aimed at those either in healthcare leadership positions or those aspiring to such roles and will consist of short talks, interactive case discussions and small group work.


Dr John Greenall

Breakout Speaker
Topics: Teamwork & Resilient Discipleship


Dr Esther Clift

Stream Speaker



Dr Esther Clift

Haut-parleur de flux

Dra. Esther Clift

Alto-falante Stream

Dra. Esther Clift

Altavoz de transmisión

Dr. Daniel Ojuka

Altavoz de conexión
Tema: Formación espiritual para el personal médico

Dr Daniel Ojuka

Breakout speaker
Topic: Spiritual formation for medical personnel



Dr Daniel Ojuka

Haut-parleur de rupture
Sujet : Formation spirituelle pour le personnel médical

Dr. Daniel Ojuka

Alto-falante de breakout
Tema: Formação espiritual para o pessoal médico

Stream schedule: